Oliver tinkled during his nap today. It's been his only pee accident all day! Unfortunately, it meant I had to go through the work of hauling his mattress out of the crib to strip the sheets. Oliver thought it looked fun and enjoyed diving onto the mattress a number of times. I started to move it around as he was on it, and that proved to be a great game!
I didn't realize that I was yelling, "Zoom!" as I pushed him around the room until he started saying it, too. "Zoom!" he yelled. He laughed and yelled and cheered me on as I shot him around the room. I had to be careful because he rolled off a few times. I didn't want him cracking his head against the corner of the wall or furniture or something.

I didn't have a lot of energy to make the game last long, but we played it a few times. Oliver *really* enjoyed himself and continued to say "Zoom!" long after we stopped playing. I'll have to get some photos of us playing later tonight or tomorrow. This game definitely gets an A+ because it was so much fun for the little man. I can't think of any activity or game that he's "talked" about afterwards like this. I have a feeling we'll be playing it for many months to come!
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