Sunday, May 1, 2016

May Day 2016

Happy May Day!

This is our second year making and delivering baskets of popcorn & candy to the neighbors.

Two years ago, I accidentally "caught" a neighbor delivering May baskets, and that was the first time I'd ever heard of this tradition. I decided to take the kids out to deliver baskets last year. They had a blast! 

Then Friday, Oliver came home from school talking about May Day and told me we needed to get started making baskets. We stapled paper into the shape of a cone and added a handle. This morning, we filled them with popcorn, M&Ms, and butterscotch candies. Then I coached the kids on how to properly doorbell ditch the neighbors. 

We delivered twelve baskets and got caught twice! Both times, Oliver was mad at me for not hiding like he'd instructed ;-) 

Happy May Day!

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